Solar & battery install - Further Reading

Some background reading 

One of my objectives was to learn enough to understand the options, costs, benefits and risks of doing a Solar & Battery install - without becoming a specialist. After all it is a big investment and any knowledge you have to ask questions of your suppliers will help you understand if they know what they're talking about or if all they're giving you is sales patter. I've included a couple of sources I used below:

I will also say that there were a couple of suppliers who I felt went out of their way to help. Both of them willingly shared information and offered to be a sounding board for any questions I had. Whilst I didn't choose them (primarily due to cost), I would wholeheartedly recommend them if you're looking for a solution and you have a little more money than me to spend.

One final note

If this blog has helped and you go on to installing a solar or battery solution, please let me know by leaving a comment and sharing this page as I really like to know I've been able to help. 

If you're considering a move to Octopus to charge your batteries in the darker months, please consider using my referral link below (click on the Octopus) as it will give each of us £50 off our Octopus bill.


  1. Fantastic set of blogs. As a complete newbie, its written in a way I can understand as well as apply it to my personal circumstances too. Great job!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, I tried to write it as a newbie for newbies

  2. Thanks for this, some useful info here!


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